Monday, April 26, 2010
So sorry, but...
In the past two weeks I have been: working full time, going to school full time, packing up my apartment, moving OUT (YESYESYES) of my apartment, cleaning said apartment, and moving into my parents' house for 5 days (can I just say how much I LOATHE living out of boxes?? So annoying).
This week I will be: working full time, going to school full time, doing all of my finals (except one that will be on the 2nd), move out of my parents' house, move into my new duplex, unpack, decorate, clean, collapse in a heap.
Entirely too exhausting for my taste.
So please forgive my absence until finals are over with and I am happily moved into my new place :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Forgot how lovable they were until...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Its the little things in life

Coming in 2nd is the egg for our friend, Andy, who looks a whole hell of a lot like THIS GUY:

Therefore, we made him this egg:

These are simply a few of the MANY masterpieces we created. We're thinking of starting a museum. Clearly, we would make millions.
Anywhoo, Friday night was spent having some fun and passing out Easter eggs. It did, sadly, lead to a late night food run to the place I now call DELEON'S OF DOOM. I have often times gone to Deleon's for my late night cravings because it is 1)the best chicken burrito you will ever eat and 2) it's open 24/7. Now, I generally always get the chicken burrito because, well, how do you mess up a chicken burrito? But silly me on this late (or rather early) 3am night (morning?) decided to be ADVENTUROUS and try something NEW. Idiot. I got the beef enchilada, ate it ravenously, and woke up with food poisoning. I will not give you the gruesome details, but it was not pretty. And did not stop until I had gotten an anti-nautia (Sp?) pill from Urgent Care. Bleh.
Because of DELEON'S OF DOOM I had to call in sick to work which (understandably) pissed off the guy who was on call for that night and (not so understandably because you are supposed to be MATURE ABOUT RUNNING A RESTAURANT) my manager. But that is a post for another day.
Thankfully, the next morning I was feeling well enough to head to my parents' house for Easter with the fam for a bit before work (though I approached any and all food with a cautious eye, and most likely will for a long time).
All and all, overlooking the pain and anger, it was quite the lovely weekend :)