Sadly, and sounding a tad cliche, this summer was a rollercoaster ride, to say the least:
My job at UNL ended with classes in May and so I worked my life away at the Texas Roadhouse. And folks, when I say worked my life away, I mean I worked 6 days a week. That place is like my second home. I should really pay rent there. As bizarre as it is, though, I love it. This probably is because of the people I work with. They've all got that weird sense of humor that I do. For instance, one slowish Saturday morning Trevor came into the back, REALLY excited, and said "If you ate raw salmon would you, or would you not, feel like a grisley bear?!"....ok, maybe you had to be there...but I laughed. Hard. Its the little things like that that have kept me there for over two years. Though the tips don't hurt either, I suppose.
I DID move out of my parents house (see previous blog) and into my lovely duplex *insert cheesy smile here.* I really do like it. Two bath, Four large bedrooms, HUGE closets...should be heaven. Except I had the roomate from HELL. She-who-must-not-be-named (Yea. She's on the same level as Voldemort. BELIEVE IT) NEVER got me her rent or utilities checks on time. NEVER. She did pay them though, so, although MY stress level increased immensley at the end of the month, at least shit got paid and all was right in our four bedroom home, right? WRONG. Bitch was stealing clothes from me and my roomate Morgan AND OUR OTHER ROOMATE WHO WASN'T EVEN LIVING WITH US FOR THE SUMMER. That's right-she had gone into Tessa's boxes that Tessa left over the summer and had stolen clothes, picture frames, etc. Who DOES that?! Morgan and I found out this was going on literally the DAY before I was going on a week-long trip with her and 4 other friends. Hazzah!
So, not wanting to ruin the trip for my other friends, I put my frustrations aside for the week and ending up having a SAH-WEET time. This is probably because, at the beginning of the trip, she-who-must-not-be-named wronged my other friends as well, so we just kind of ignored her the majority of the time :)
The trip was to a country music festival in Wisconsin. Highlights of the trip: Everyone there was rad and totally ready to party. I've never had so much fun with total strangers in my life. Also, there was no shortage of amazing music. I saw Sugarland, Jason Aldene, Billy Currington, Jo Dee Messina, Miranda Lambert, Gloriana, Kenny Chesney-and many more. There were literally like 12 bands a day. Concerts started around 11 am and went until about 11 at night. LOVED it. Low points of the trip: It rained the first two days. A LOT. It was like a monsoon from 12am-10am like every day. What's so wrong with that?, you might ask, you love the rain! I do. But not when it leaks through my tent. I don't know if you've ever tried sleeping while wet and muddy-but it is gross. And highly uncomfortable. I really do NOT reccomend it. I truely had a fantastic time though, other than the whole sleeping part. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Sadly, though, we had to go home to even more drama. Here is the readers digest version of the rest of my summer: I dropped off she-who-must-not-be-named at her Mom's house after Country Thunder. Folks, that is literally the LAST TIME I have seen this girl. That's right. She did not pay rent OR utilities for August. I don't know if any of you remember what it's like to be a college student-BUT I AM NOT RICH. Like, not even close. Then she-who-must-not-be-named wouldn't give us her key OR move any of her shit out. After many angry emails, she-who-must-not-be-named moved everything out except for one dresser, one bookcase, her bed, and a table...and then left her key in our mailbox instead of walking it down to us-coward. However, that did leave us with a certain question on our minds: "What the FUCK are we supposed to do with the rest of this shit?" Our roomate that was replacing she-who-must-not-be-named was due to move in THE NEXT DAY. So I contacted the mother who birthed she-satan and all SHE wanted was the bed and table back. Right. So I gave the other shit away. She-who-must-not-be-named, if you are reading this right now: FUCK. YOU. :)
Kaley has moved in, though, and replaced she-who-must-not-be-named and she seems very nice. It is just so nice to not have to worry about someone stealing anymore. Or paying rent. Although, I am a little worried about ME being able to pay rent...
My job at UNL has started up again (that's actually where I'm at right now-getting paid to blog-hah!). We had to do two weeks of training and such, which is fine, except I had to take off two weeks at Texas Roadhouse for it and I don't get paid for my time at UNL until September 2nd. This also WOULD have been fine except that the money I had saved to get me through august all had to go to the bills/rent that she-who-must-not-be-named did not pay. So. I have, sadly, become the stereotypical college student, down to my last $20 haha...such is life.
On that happy (sarcasm, friends) note, I leave you with some sahWEET pictures that sum up my summer pretty perfectly:

^Texas Roadhouse "Prom" to celebrate our two year anniversary

^Shrek ears (and face)...Jealous? ;)

^The three non-crazy girls at country thunder! :D We left she-who-must-not-be-named by herself at our campsite

^the group at country thunder <333
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